New Hours of Service Regulations

On July 1st, 2013 the new FMCSA Hours-of-service regulations will take effect.

Key Issues:

- Required (30 minute rest period within the first 8 hours on duty)
- Required (2 consecutive periods of night rest between 1:00AM and 5:00AM during the current 34 hr restart)

What Does This Mean to Me?

- 4-6% reduction in truck capacity nationwide
- Increased Pricing Pressure

Gulf Winds will continue to collaborate with our vast network of container drayage and domestic carriers to analyze local, regional and national implications of these new regulations. Please consult your Gulf Winds’ sales contact with any questions you may have.

We utilize them as our primary carrier, handling 90% of our container moves in the Houston market. We would highly recommend them to anyone with container drayage service needs.

Robert Ferrier | Distribution Center Manager
PrimeSource Building Products